
Gir Cow's A2 Ghee

Back2Basics Ghee is made from A2 milk of Pure Bred Gir Cows, one of the rare native Indian breeds. The Gir Cow is the most revered amongst the Desi cows, known for its healthy and nutritious milk containing the A2 Protein.

B2B Ghee is all about nutrition, love, and an unflinching commitment to our ancient, Indian Vedic traditional wisdom.


Rs 2950/- 1000 ml

Rs 1550/-  500 ml

Rs 945/- 300ml



At Back2Basics farms we use the traditional Bilona method of making Ghee.

Our Ghee making procedure entails the following:
Step 1: Pure Gir Cow A2 milk is curdled overnight to make curd.
Step 2: With traditional wooden churners, butter is separated from the curdled milk.
Step 3: Golden, granuled and aromatic Ghee is then made by simmering this fermented butter at a carefully regulated temperature to remove milk solids and other impurities.
Since, the milk solids are removed, it contains little to no casein or lactose, the two compounds in dairy that most often cause allergies and sensitivities. Therefore making it a lactose free super food alternative to everyday butter and cooking oils.

Back2Basics Ghee is made from A2 milk of pure bred Gir cows, a native Indian breed.
The Gir Cow is one of the most revered amongst the Desi cows, known for its healthy and nutritious milk containing the A2 Protein. Gir Cows produce A2 Protein when their back is exposed to the Sun, which explains the peculiar hump on their back.
We have lab reports to certify that our milk is pure A2 milk . Our customers are welcome to visit the farm on appointment, to see the processes themselves.

Back2Basics A2 Ghee has a shelf life of 24 months. We also add Methi dana /fenugtreek seeds in our Ghee to ensure that it stays fresh for a long period of time.

Following our principles of sustainable and eco friendly farming, our A2 Ghee and all other products come only in Glass bottles and we discourage the use of plastic.

Normal room temperature is fine and in peak summers in India it can be kept in the refrigerator.

We add Methi Dana / Fenugreek seeds as it enhances the flavour of the Ghee and also restores its flavour when stored for long duration.

Though ghee is rich in fat, it contains high concentrations of monounsaturated Omega-3s. These healthful fatty acids support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. Studies show that using ghee as a part of a balanced diet can help reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Remember moderation is the key!

Most Desi/Indian A2 cow breed’s yield is limited to 8 to 10 litres a day whereas Jersey cows and other cross bred cow’s yield can go upto 30 to 40 litres a day. Secondly most dairy farms use hormones to increase milk production. At Back2Baiscs farm we do not give any of artificial growth hormones or steroids to boost production.

Secondly we make Ghee from curd whereas most brands in the market are making ghee form cream and selling the same milk as skim milk .Ayurveda recommends to make cultured Ghee with Dahi.
We follow the Traditional Ayurvedic Bilona method of making Ghee. This painstaking procedure is enzymatic, labor and time-intensive as well as chemical-free. This process takes 30 to 35 liters of our A2 milk to make 1 liter of pure cultured and daanedar Ghee.

Back2Basics has its own exclusive farms in Gurgaon and Dhauj. We do not aggregate milk form other farms and hence maintain the quality of our milk.

  • We believe that our grandmother’s recipe, passed down through the ages, and our happy cows are the secret behind our magical Ghee that nourishes the body, mind & soul.
  • We pride ourselves on being a 100% natural product. We do not use antibiotics to increase the production of milk nor do we add any chemicals or additives to our milk or Ghee.
  • Our green fodder is all-homegrown without the use of any pesticides.
  • Our Daily feed of cows consists of Natural herbs like Ashwagandha, Giloi, Shatavari along with a diet of Jowar greens, chana, cotton seeds, Dalia, and mustard oil as well, of course, the seasonal vegetables grown at the farm.
  • Substitute everyday butter and refined oil with Back2Basics Ghee  – a lactose-free superfood.
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